A range of presentations are given to community, industry and government stakeholders by CSIRO researchers
Many presentations about onshore gas development and its potential impacts and opportunities have been given to scientists, students, teachers, the general public, industry stakeholders, government departments and members of parliament since GISERA’s launch in July 2011.
Below are a selection of briefings, seminars, workshop forums and conference presentations. Presentations associated with particular projects can also be found within each research project page.
Government and community meetings and forums
- CSIRO GISERA presentation summarising recent research findings to the Narrabri Community Consultative Committee, February 2022 (PDF 7.MB)
- NSW project updates, presented to Government and community stakeholder in Sydney and Narrabri, September 2017. (PDF, 2MB).
- Roma business leaders presentation, presented at GasFields Commission hosted leaders’ breakfast in Roma, June 2017. (PDF, 2MB).
- CSIRO 2016 Community Wellbeing and Responding to Change, presented at AgForce Chinchilla Research Forum: Agriculture, Communities and Coal Seam Gas, November 2016. (PDF, 709 KB).
- GISERA research in NSW, presented at Narrabri Community Consultative Committee meeting, November 2016. (PDF, 1 MB).
- GISERA research in NSW, presented at Narrabri Shire Council meeting, October 2016. (PDF, 880 KB).
- Unconventional Gas, presented at Alice Springs Chamber of Commerce meeting, April 2016. (PDF, 2 MB).
- Economic and socioeconomic impacts of CSG development, presented to the Resources and Energy Workshop: Australian Government Office of the Chief Economist, Canberra, Australia, November 2015. (PDF, 867 KB).
- Overview of Social and Economic Research findings’, presented to the Gasfields Commission, Toowoomba, Australia, November 2014. (PDF, 695 KB).
- Opportunities for agricultural communities’, Presented at the National Farmers Federation National Congress, Canberra, Australia, October 2014. (PDF, 231 KB).
- Coal seam gas: opportunities, methods and impacts, presented at a community forum in NSW, April 2013. (PDF, 1.4 MB).
Scientist talking at town hall
Symposia and conferences
- Road mortality of a tropical mammal fauna in Australia’s wet-dry tropics, presented at the 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Boulder, Colorado in June 2024.
- GISERA – 10 years on, presented at the Unconventional Hydrocarbons in the UK Energy System (UKUH) Annual Science Meeting held virtually in September 2021.
- 2017 GISERA Symposium, presented in Brisbane, October 2017. (PDF, 7MB).
- A conceptual model of socio-economic impacts of unconventional fossil fuel in host regions, presented at the Energy Impacts Symposium, Ohio, United States of America, July 2017. (PDF, 1MB).
- Forecasting rural employment effects from unconventional gas in Australia, presented at the International Symposium on Society and Resources Management, Umea, Sweden, June 2017 (PDF, 1MB).
- Community information and engagement expectations, presented at SPE Unconventional resources conference and exhibition, November 2013. (PDF, 647 KB).
- Understanding community concerns, presented at the International Conference for Effective and Sustainable Hydraulic Fracturing, May 2013. (PDF, 1MB).
- Coal seam gas: intersections with agriculture and water resource management, presented at the ABARES Outlook conference, March 2012. (PDF, 1MB).
Research forums and short courses
- Social and environmental perspectives of energy resource development, presented at CSIRO Slice 2021-22 open to CSIRO Summer Students and Staff, February 2022. (PDF, 2MB).
- An integrated study of the Gladstone marine system, presented at the Marine CSG research forum, August 2015. (1MB).
- Study of Green Turtle movement in Gladstone Harbour, presented at the Marine CSG research forum, August 2015. (2MB).
- Gladstone Harbour biogeochemical and seagrass growth model, presented at the Marine CSG research forum, August 2015. (4MB).
- CSIRO survey of community wellbeing and responding to change, presented at the Social and economic CSG research forum, November 2014. (PDF, 385 KB).
- Hydraulic fracturing 101, presented at the AWA/National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training Onshore Gas and Water short course, August 2013. (PDF, 1 MB).
Stakeholder Roundtable Presentations
- Fine scale measurements of methane from ground sources (QLD, NSW and NT), presented to the Stakeholder Roundtable Group meeting in Canberra, November 2019.
- Regional fluxes of methane in the Surat Basin, Queensland, presented to the Stakeholder Roundtable Group meeting in Canberra, November 2019.
- Whole of life CSG greenhouse emissions – Multi-Regional Input Output Analysis, presented to the Stakeholder Roundtable Group meeting in Canberra, November 2019.
Knowledge Transfer Sessions
- Offsets for onshore shale gas in the Northern Territory, presented to the Northern Territory Knowledge Transfer Session held via video conference in May 2022.
- Narrabri fault connectivity study, presented to the New South Wales Knowledge Transfer Session held in Brisbane and via video conference in December 2021.
- Improved approaches to long-term monitoring of decommissioned onshore gas wells, presented to the Northern Territory Knowledge Transfer Session held in Brisbane and via video conference in August 2021.
- Environmental monitoring and microbial degradation of onshore shale gas activity chemicals and fluids, presented to the Northern Territory Knowledge Transfer Session held in Brisbane and via video conference in August 2021.
- Mapping future transport for improved planning and operation, presented to the Northern Territory Knowledge Transfer Session held in Brisbane and via video conference in August 2021.
- Assessing and projecting on-shore gas effects on regional economic activity in New South Wales, presented to the New South Wales Knowledge Transfer Session held in Brisbane and via video conference in May 2021.
- Characterising stygofauna and microbial assemblages in the Beetaloo Sub-basin, NT, presented to the Northern Territory Knowledge Transfer Session held via video conference in February 2021.
- Community wellbeing and local attitudes to conventional gas development in the south east of South Australia, presented to the South Australian Knowledge Transfer Session held via video conference in March 2020.
- Potential impacts on groundwater resources from conventional gas in the South East of SA presented to the South Australian Knowledge Transfer Session held via video conference in March 2020.
- Groundwater contamination risks: Causal pathways and modelling analysis presented to the South Australian Knowledge Transfer Session held via video conference in March 2020.
- Air, water and soil impacts of hydraulic fracturing – overview of phases 1 and 2, presented to the Queensland Knowledge Transfer Session in Brisbane, December 2019.
- Measurements of air quality during hydraulic fracturing in the Surat Basin, presented to the Queensland Knowledge Transfer Session in Brisbane, December 2019.
- Assessing the impacts of hydraulic fracturing on soil and water quality in the Surat Basin, Queensland, presented to the Queensland Knowledge Transfer Session in Brisbane, December 2019.
- Impact of hydraulic fracturing on soil microbial functions & community, presented to the Queensland Knowledge Transfer Session in Brisbane, December 2019.
- Microbial degradation of chemical compounds used in onshore gas production in the SE of South Australia, presented at the South Australian Knowledge Transfer Session in Adelaide, November 2019.
- Understanding natural gas impacts and opportunities on agriculture in the South East of South Australia, presented to the South Australia Knowledge Transfer in Adelaide, November 2019.
- Exploring the regional economic value of locally produced conventional gas, presented to the South Australian Knowledge Transfer Session in Adelaide, November 2019.
- Monitoring geochemical and isotopic characteristics of groundwater in aquifers of the Beetaloo sub-Basin, NT, presented to the Northern Territory Knowledge Transfer Session in Darwin, August 2019.
- Pre-Exploration Measurement and Monitoring of Background Landscape Methane Concentrations and Fluxes in the BeetalooSub-Basin, Northern Territory, presented to the Northern Territory Knowledge Transfer Session in Darwin, August 2019.
- Characterisation of regional fluxes of methane in the Surat Basin, Queensland, presented to the Queensland Knowledge Transfer Session in Brisbane, June 2019.
- Surat Basin GHG Emissions Footprint Multi-Regional Input Output Analysis, presented to the Queensland Knowledge Transfer Session in Brisbane, June 2019.
- Trends in community wellbeing and local attitudes to coal seam gas development: 2014 –2016 –2018, presented to the Queensland Knowledge Transfer Session held in Brisbane, December 2018.
- Inside the herd, presented at the Agricultural Land Management Knowledge Transfer Session, September 2018. (PDF, 7MB).
- Ambient air quality in the Surat Basin, presented at the Greenhouse Gas Footprint Knowledge Transfer Session, September 2018. (PDF, 3MB).
- Impacts of CSG depressurization on Great Artesian Basin flux and Data-worth and spatial design of groundwater monitoring network in the Narrabri Gas Project area, presented at the Surface and Groundwater Knowledge Transfer Session, August 2018. (PDF, 4MB).
- Decommissioning CSG wells, presented at the Surface and Groundwater and Social and Economic Knowledge Transfer Session, August 2018. (PDF, 1MB).
- Risk assessment on groundwater contamination from hydraulic fracturing and delamination, presented at the Surface and Groundwater and Social and Economic Knowledge Transfer Session, August 2018. (PDF, 1MB).
- Guidelines for plant population offsetting, presented at the Biodiversity Knowledge Transfer Session, July 2018. (PDF, 2MB).
- Human health and CSG development: future study design framework, presented at the Health Knowledge Transfer Session, March 2018. (PDF, 2MB).
- Social Research Survey Report, presented at the Social and Economic Knowledge Transfer Session, December 2017. (PDF, 1MB).
- Economic effect of CSG activity under different scenarios, presented at the Social and Economic Knowledge Transfer Session, December 2017. (PDF, 667 KB).
- CSIRO 2016 Community Wellbeing and Responding to Change, presented at Social and economic Knowledge Transfer Session, December 2016.(PDF, 881 KB).
- Economic forecasting for the Surat Basin and SME responses, presented at Social and economic Knowledge Transfer Session, December 2016. (PDF, 360 KB).
- Telling the Story, presented at Agricultural land management Knowledge Transfer Session, December 2016. (PDF, 12 MB).
- Ensuring biodiversity offset success: Rutidosis lanata, presented at Biodiversity Knowledge Transfer Session, May 2016. (PDF, 3MB).