Social baselines of the Narrabri region in relation to CSG development
This work aims to understand and measure attitudes, perceptions and expectations that exist within the community with respect to CSG development, and current levels of community wellbeing and community resilience.
The research will assess and produce baseline information about the community’s wellbeing, perceptions, expectations and resilience in relation to CSG development.
Reports and papers

Social Baseline Assessment: Narrabri project – Final Report
This final report documents community concerns and perceptions of the CSG sector in the Narrabri shire and establishes baseline levels of community wellbeing, resilience, and attitudes towards CSG development.
The research provides robust empirical evidence of resident perceptions of coal seam gas development. It has measured and reports on people’s concerns about possible impacts, expected benefits, perceptions of trust in the industry, and confidence and trust in governance of the sector. In addition, the research examines perceptions of fairness (both procedural and distributional) and documents overall levels of acceptance. The research establishes comprehensive baseline measures of community wellbeing and community resilience and empirically identifies areas for strengthening community wellbeing.

Community wellbeing and social attitudes to coal seam gas development, Social baseline assessment: Narrabri project – Phase 3 survey report
Results showed overall community wellbeing to be robust; with the highest rated dimensions of community wellbeing being community spirit and personal safety and the lowest rated dimensions being local decision making and employment and business opportunities.
The research found that local attitudes towards CSG development varied within the shire. The diversity of views ranged from those at one end of the spectrum who ‘reject’ CSG development in the shire (30%) to those at the other end of the spectrum who ‘embrace’ it (15%). The remaining respondents (55%) indicated they would either tolerate (27%), be ok with (15%), or approve of (13%) CSG development in the shire. Attitudes towards CSG development also varied based on subregions and whether people lived in town or out of town.
The research is important in establishing the social baseline to enable changes in community wellbeing over time to be measured, and can also assist in understanding and mitigating potential impacts, and help realise any opportunities.
A copy of the Executive Summary is also available.

Understanding local community expectations and perceptions of the CSG sector Social Baseline Assessment: Narrabri project - Phase 2
This report aims to understand and document community values, perceptions, concerns, and expectations of the CSG sector in the context of the Narrabri Gas project. This stage of the research also aimed to identify the factors underlying trust and attitudes towards CSG development.

Social Baseline Assessment: Narrabri project Phase 1: Planning and preparation
This report outlines key components of the project currently being undertaken that investigates a range of aspects important for understanding trust in relation to the coal seam gas industry sector in NSW.

Attitudes to CSG development in the Narrabri shire - Factsheet
This factsheet presents some of the findings from a survey conducted in the Narrabri Shire, NSW, in March – April 2017 on attitudes to a potential coal seam gas (CSG) development.

Social research: Narrabri Survey report
The outcomes of the project were presented at a knowledge transfer session held in December 2017.
Project Progress
This project is complete.

Project proposal
A detailed description of the project, budget and research milestones.
GISERA-related research
Monitoring wellbeing and attitudes to CSG (pre-construction phase)
This project will monitor any changes in local community wellbeing and attitudes to coal seam gas (CSG) during the pre-construction phase of the Santos Narrabri Gas Project in NSW.