Community function and wellbeing 2
This project examined and measured the changes since the end of the construction and beginning of the operations phases through comparisons with survey 1 in 2014.
This study identified strategies that can be enacted by local and state government to proactively reduce stresses associated with rapid change and also to take advantage of opportunities arising from resource development.
Reports and papers
Rural communities and unconventional gas development: What's important for maintaining subjective community wellbeing and resilience over time?
- Measures levels of community wellbeing and resilience across different phases of unconventional gas development.
- Models the importance of various drivers of community wellbeing and resilience across different phases.
- Uses a robust methodology to monitor and model the same population and region over time.
- Suggests important areas of focus for maintaining or enhancing community wellbeing being and resilience in different phases.

Changes between 2014 and 2016 in the Context of Coal Seam Gas Development
The 2016 CSIRO Community Wellbeing and Responding to Change survey shows the biggest change in wellbeing from 2014 was the decrease in satisfaction in relation to jobs and employment opportunities, and the biggest improvements were in roads and the quality of the environment (e.g., dust and noise).
Even though some aspects of wellbeing decreased and others improved, overall community wellbeing in the Western Downs region in 2016 remained robust and similar to 2014.
A conceptual framework for investigating community wellbeing and resilience
A conceptual basis for empirically testing the relationship between community wellbeing and resilience.

Community wellbeing and adapting to coal seam gas: Survey highlights and key messages
This communique highlights key findings from the 2016 CSIRO Community Wellbeing and Responding to Change survey, changes between 2016 and 2014, and implications for community, industry, and government stakeholders involved with Coal Seam Gas (CSG) development. Key messages describe lessons learned from investigating wellbeing over four years in this region – a period of rapid economic development associated with the construction phase of the industry ending with local economic slowdown post-construction.

Comparing the 2014 and 2016 community wellbeing results
Even though some aspects of wellbeing decreased and others improved, overall community wellbeing remains similar and robust over two years of CSG development.

Comparing the 2014 and 2016 community attitudes towards CSG development results
Views towards CSG development in the Western Downs region differ within communities and also between communities.

CSIRO 2016 Community Wellbeing and Responding to Change survey
The outcomes of this project were presented at The University of Queensland-AgForce Projects forum, on Thursday 17 November in Chinchilla. The outcomes were also presented at a forum hosted by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines CSG Compliance unit on 18 November 2016.

Social and economic knowledge transfer session
The outcomes of this project were presented, along with other projects at a social and economic knowledge transfer session was held in Brisbane on 16 December 2016, with representatives from government and industry.
Queensland communities remain lukewarm about coal seam gas: CSIRO survey
Online media coverage, 22 December 2016
Project progress
This project is complete.

Project proposal
A detailed description of the project, budget and research milestones
GISERA-related research
Community functioning and wellbeing 1
This project reviewed principal indicators of community function and well-being, the resources and strategies necessary for enabling and enhancing community responses, and how communities respond to major developments in their region.
Trends in community attitudes to CSG development – Survey 3
This project monitors and communicates changes and trends in community wellbeing, resilience and attitudes to CSG development across different industry phases (construction, post-construction, and operations) in south west Queensland.