Baseline seismic monitoring of the Canning Basin, WA
Measuring natural seismic activity in the Canning Basin
This project will establish a long-term baseline of seismic monitoring data that will characterise the current natural seismic activity and cultural seismic noise within the Canning Basin in Western Australia.
Increased seismic activity associated with hydraulic fracturing is an area of community concern and this baseline study will distinguish any potential increase in seismic activity due to planned gas extraction operations from other seismic sources.
This research addresses recommendations from the Independent Scientific Panel Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in Western Australia (2018).

WA Canning Basin valley
WA Canning Basin valley
Key points
- There is a significant information gap about the background seismic activity of the Canning Basin in Western Australia.
- The Independent Scientific Panel Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in Western Australia (2018), recommends a baseline of natural seismic activity be established prior to unconventional gas extraction development.
- This project will establish data processing platforms for baseline seismic monitoring before the start of hydraulic fracturing.
- It will improve discrimination between natural sources such as earthquakes and human activities.