Making tracks, treading carefully
This project aims to understand the direct and indirect impacts of tracks and traffic on invasive species and erosion in agricultural landscapes.
The research will result in the development of guidelines for use by landowners and industry.
Reports and papers
Assessing erosion processes associated with establishment of coal seam gas pipeline infrastructure in Queensland, Australia
Impacts of soil compaction, surface cover, soil physico-chemical properties, and changing hydrology were measured to parametrize the Water Erosion Prediction Program (WEPP) and SIBERIA landform evolution models. Both models provided a reasonably good indication of the sensitivity of soil and field conditions to potential degradation processes caused by CSG pipeline right of way installations.
Impacts of coal seam gas infrastructure development on agricultural soil: a case-study in southern Queensland, Australia
Despite of many economic benefits being delivered by the CSG industry, concerns have been raised over the potential environmental impacts associated with its production as well as potential long-term effects on agricultural productivity. The work reported in this paper was conducted to assess the extent of damage to agricultural soil caused by the various elements of CSG development, particularly the impact on soil compaction.
Quantifying the impacts of coal seam gas activities in the soil resource of agricultural lands in Queensland, Australia’
Soil compaction changes caused by CSG operations, including vehicle impacts and trench line installation, have been assessed by soil bulk density measurements. This measurement has been identified as a common impact by CSG operation and a key element of soil degradation of agricultural areas contributing poor vegetation establishment, tunnel and surface erosion processes and an ongoing decline for soil productivity.

Access tracks and soil erosion
Aerial photogrammetry is used to monitor and model the impact of access tracks on water flows and erosion.

Agricultural land management knowledge transfer session
The outcomes of this project were presented, along with other projects at an agricultural land management knowledge transfer session was held in Toowoomba on 2 December 2016, with representatives from government and industry.

Soil compaction
Heavy machinery from CSG operations can compact clay soils but rehabilitation should restore productivity.
Project Progress
This project is complete.

Project proposal
A detailed description of the project, budget and research milestones.