Community wellbeing survey data portal

July 17th, 2019

GISERA has launched a new community wellbeing survey data portal, showcasing results from Community Wellbeing Surveys (2014 - 2016 - 2018).

Changes and trends in community wellbeing, resilience and attitudes to CSG development can now be accessed through a new survey data portal developed by CSIRO’s Gas Industry Social and Environmental Research alliance (GISERA).

The data portal allows users to explore survey data from CSIRO’s report on Trends in community wellbeing and local attitudes to coal seam gas development, 2014 – 2016 – 2018: Western Downs and eastern Maranoa regions, Queensland.

Users can explore changes between 2014, 2016 and 2018 in the Western Downs region of Queensland, as well as make comparisons with the neighbouring eastern Maranoa region in 2016 and 2018. Results can be further explored by sub-region, age, gender, and in or out-of-town.

This project involved monitoring and communicating the changes and trends in community wellbeing, resilience and attitudes to CSG development across different phases of industry operation in south west Queensland, and identifies how these vary between the construction, post-construction, and operations phases of development.

GISERA’s research into social and economic impacts and opportunities informs and supports change arising from CSG development to enhance regional and community benefit, and provides knowledge that enables communities in this and other regions to benefit from future resource developments.

Start exploring – head on over to the GISERA community wellbeing survey data portal.