Science audio files in Aboriginal languages

CSIRO information on groundwater, methane and shale gas has been translated into Northern Territory Aboriginal languages

As part of the NT Aboriginal Information Program, initiated through Recommendation 11.6 of the The Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory, CSIRO’s GISERA developed some scientific information in the form of fact sheets on Natural gas from shale, Groundwater and Methane.

The aim of this work has been to provide clear, factual and relevant scientific content to those communities potentially impacted by gas exploration and development activities in the Northern Territory.

In collaboration with the NT Government’s Aboriginal Interpreter Service (AIS), we have reworked the fact sheet content to produce scripts for audio files. The AIS have translated these scripts into 17 Northern Territory Aboriginal languages, plus plain English. These audio files are available to download from the Northern Territory Government website.

This, and other CSIRO information and resources, will be used and developed as part of CSIRO’s Community Engagement and Information Program (CEIP).

Symbols used in imagery courtesy of the NESP Resilient Landscapes Hub,