Community priorities revealed in GISERA survey

August 26th, 2022

Long-term legacy issues associated with onshore gas development have emerged as an issue of high importance for community, government and industry according to a new survey conducted by CSIRO’s Gas Industry Social and Environmental research Alliance (GISERA).

Examples of long-term legacy issues of concern include the integrity of decommissioned gas wells and rehabilitation of land affected by gas development activities.

Results also showed groundwater and surface water continue to be of high importance.

Landholders raised the issue of fair and equitable land access agreements, including consideration for properties that are neighbours to those with gas infrastructure that may be indirectly impacted.

Industry and government responses raised the issue of misinformation and impacts on regional communities.

The online survey was completed in November 2021 and generated 78 complete responses from community, government and industry representatives across Australia.

Of the community responses, most were from South Australia.

The majority of respondents who identified as researchers were from NSW.     

While very few industry and government respondents lived within gas development regions and generally had lower levels of concerns than community or researchers, the areas of most concern were aligned for all groups.

These survey results inform GISERA planning activities including the development of priorities for future research.

GISERA’s research planning also draws on the knowledge and experience of CSIRO researchers, the GISERA Research Advisory Committees, outcomes of independent inquiries, open public comments as part of approvals for government regulated activities, and analysis of media coverage.